Ingredients: ▢ Chicken thighs ▢ Cabbage  ▢ Zucchini  ▢ Potato  ▢ Onion  ▢ Vegetable oil ▢ Water ▢ Dry flour noodles Marinate chicken: ▢ Sesame oil ▢ Salt ▢ Garlic powder Black bean paste sauce: ▢ Fermented black soybean paste ▢ Sugar  ▢ Water Thicken Sauce: ▢ Potato starch ▢ Water

1. Cut cabbage.

2. Dice onion.

3. Peel and cut potato.

4. Next, cut zucchini.

5. After, cut cucumber into strips and set it aside. (For topping)

6. The following, dice chicken thighs.

7. Add sesame oil,  salt,  garlic powder and mix it well. Let it marinate a few minutes (around 5-10 minutes).

8. In a container, add fermented black soybean paste, sugar and water. Mix it very well.

9. After that, push the sauté button on the instant pot. Pour vegetable oil into the instant pot, add onion and cabbage. Stir fry them a little bit.

10. Then, add cut potato and marinated chicken. Stir fry them a little bit. Later, add zucchini.

11. Pour the black bean sauce mixture and add  water into the instant pot.

12. Mix the sauce well with vegetables and chicken. Then, close the lid and vent. Push the button manual adjust time for 1 minute at high pressure and natural release.

13. Meanwhile, boil a pot of water. Wait until water is boiling, add some dry flour noodles. (I added around 5 servings of noodles.)

14. When the noodles are done, drain and rinse it. After that, put some in a bowl.

15. Put potato starch and water in a container. Mix it well.

16. Once the sauce is done, open the lid and push the sauté button. Then, pour the potato starch mixture into the sauce and keep stirring until the sauce thickens. Then, pour the sauce over the noodles and top with some cucumber.